Seaside Encounter

Seaside Encounter

I am the Rock. Grounded, unmoving, secure.

I stand in my place, beside You, the Ocean. Wild, stormy, profound.

You inspire fear and awe. An untamable energy swirls and broods in your deepest parts, rising and then falling again, as the waves move powerfully through You.

Your waves undulate slowly, growing larger as they gradually get nearer. As they reach Me, they rise in a furious, roaring swell. Frothy white peaks burst forth and then suddenly, You crash loudly into me with full force. I stand firmly in my place as You embrace my strength with all that You are.

As your waves break over Me, one by one, your energy dissipates and gently recedes. As soon as one wave recedes, the next rises again, in a persistent rhythm of raw feminine power meeting firm masculine being. The storm rages for hours, and We merge with each other, and with the eternal rhythm of the Universe. Terror becomes bliss and the Universe itself rejoices in the beauty of our union.

Slowly, the storm begins to calm and We embrace each other. I am saturated with your essence, and You come to rest by my side. I am the Rock, and you are the Ocean.